
Thank you for the one minute freetime you give to surf this blogspot. Any Comment or Queries Just Email to ShahUtdFC@yahoo.com


" We are not Looking For a Best Player, We are Looking For a right Player for the Club"

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I am pleased to announce that Mohd Fareq Radhi, currently Goalkeeper of shah united futsal will be taking over the position of Hj syed mohd yassin, as the MANAGER of shah united futsal effective on 1st February 2010.

Bahmin bin Hj Ahmad, currently our players will be in position of ASSISTANT MANAGER 2, which he will support Pg Amir as ASSISTANT MANAGER 1 effective on 1st February 2010.

Please join me in wishing them every success in their respective upcoming roles.We also would like to thank Hj syed mohd yassin as his role as Manager Before and now who will become one of the club directors.

Thanks and Regards
Club Owner

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blogspot Not Updated

First of all i would like to say Sorry for not updating this blog and Thank you very much For the people out there that have been giving us a very highly support .

As for next month maybe,Shah united futsal will be with new management and new deal with players.Hopefully with the new management and new deal Shah united futsal will be more productive and can produce more talent to shine in Brunei Darussalam.

Sorry for any problem that are arising.

Club Owners